The New Jerusalem Part III Chapter II


1. Announcement About a “Group of Exorcists in Bao Loc” 06 June 2020 (Identify and Decision)

Bishop Palace of Da Lat

9, Nguyen Thai Học St, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam 

Phone: 84.263.3822415- email: [email protected]


9 Nguyen Thai Hoc St., Ward 1, Da Lat

Da Lat, June 6, 2020



To: Clergies, religious men and women, and the faithful in the diocese.

Dear people of God,

In recent years in our diocese, specifically in Bao Loc Deanery, appeared a group called “The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc” led by Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong, of Bao Loc Parish.  It was she who organized demonic treatment at her home, and she posted exorcism clips online that attracted people to come, first to receive treatment, then to stay and participate in the exorcism with her and the group.

In spite of the notice from the bishop’s palace on July 4, 2018, about the banning of exorcism and the organizing of exorcism, as she was directly reminded in the meeting on Octorber 10, 2019, she still continues to exorcise demons and organize exorcisms.  And especially last May 31, 2020, was the date set to inaugurate her new house called “The House of God the Father” with the purpose of healing and exorcism.


Due to the situation of such disobedience, not just once, and in order to protect the sacred unity of God’s people, So today I, Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Da Lat Diocese, after consulting with the advisory board on June 2, 2020, decided to issue this notice which includes the following identifications and decisions related to the “The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc”

1.  Exorcism:

– All of the illnesses that come to the house of Mrs. Thuong are assumed to be caused by demons, and all are treated through exorcism without distinction.  This goes completely against the guidelines in the Catechism of the Catholic Church No.  1673 (refer to the Canon Law 1172).

– Exorcism is mainly carried out through Mrs. Thuong “asking God” and then transmit demons, expel demons, receive demons, cast out demons, fight demons, exorcise, with the participation of many people in the group at times very “forceful method.”

2.  “The Word of God the Father”

– It is worth noting that Mrs. Thuong manages everything by “asking the Word of God”.  Since then, she has communicated what is known as “the Will of God the Father” to everyone and governs the arrangement of all affairs in the group.

– Considering the content of “the Word of God the Father” (“God the Father wants”, “God the Father says”).  There are things “God the Father wants” and words “God the Father says” that do not conform to the doctrine of faith, or untrue because they do not occur, or ambiguous or self-proclaimed (paranoid), leading to disobedience to the authority.

– Please read the above details in the “attached letter.”  Especially the disobedience to the authority of the Church…

3.  Disobeyed the authority of the Church:

a.After being given a written notification forbidding the performing of exorcisms/ organize exorcisms from the office of the bishop’s palace, dated April 7th, 2018, and also was directly reminded in the meeting at Bao Loc Parish on June 10th, 2019, she still continued to perform exorcisms and organized exorcism gatherings.  She even posted video clips of exorcisms on social media in ways of attraction.  When she was reminded to stop performing exorcism, she immediately replied she must obey God the Father over the bishop.  

b. In the most recent, she even built a new house called, “the House of God the Father” for the purpose of healing and exorcism.  The house was inaugurated on May 31, 2020.

c. She did not even hesitate to criticize the Catholic Church about understanding and interpretation of the Bible.  She wrote in a message dated March 12th, 2019: “The Book of Revelation has recorded a fact that until today the Church has not yet known, that is we are living in a New Era.  This New Era God allowed the release of all the demons from hell.  Revelation 20:7 says: At the end of those thousand years, Satan will be released from hell.”  Is it the way she explained on her own about the Bible and made certain “the Church has not yet known”, not influenced by any sects and gave herself the authority to interpret the Bible beyond the teaching of the Church?

4.  Self acknowledgment of “private revelation”

As she received the document “The Church with the So-called Private Revelations,” she immediately considered her case to be “private revelation” like the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the apparition of Jesus to Sister Faustina, without showing respect while waiting for the approval of the authority of the Church and affirmed: “Satan may hide under the mantle of humility, but he does not know how to hide under the mantle of obedience.”


Based on all of the above facts, after consulting the advisory board on June 2, 2020, now with this letter, I, Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Dalat Diocese, decide:

1. Publicly recalling the “announcement” of the bishop’s palace on April 7, 2018, about the regulations of the Church regarding exorcism: “No one can perform exorcisms legitimately upon the possessed unless he has obtained special and express permission from the local ordinary.  The local ordinary is to give this permission only to a presbyter who has piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life” (Canon Law, article 1172).

Mrs. Thuong and her group from the beginning until now performing exorcisms and organizing exorcisms are completely illegal according to Canon Law.  

2. The fact that she and her group have been continuing to perform exorcisms and organize exorcisms after the “announcement” prohibition organizing exorcism of the office of the bishop’s palace dated April 7, 2018 and was reminded directly during the meeting at Bao Loc Parish on June 10, 2019, and again posting on the internet video clips of exorcisms to promote attraction, were disobedience, and stubbornness (canonical punishment consequences, article 1371, 2).

“For all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Mt 26:52), recalling the regulations of the Church regarding extreme caution must be exercised in casting out demons and granting faculty of exorcism with the beneficial intention for interdicted person so they will not be harmed by the devil.

3.  The local ordinary has never recognized and continues to disapprove of the supernatural and genuine of the words that Mrs. Thuong impersonates as “the word of God the Father,” there were things that were not true of the doctrine of faith and untrue because they did not happen, or are ambiguous, or self-proclaimed (paranoid), leading to disobedience to the authority of the church, causing confusion to the faith of the faithful, and causing serious division in the community of the people of God rather than building unity.

4.  Therefore, Catholics are not allowed to come, not to participate in exorcisms, and not to spread impersonation as “the word of God the Father” of “The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc.”

5.  May the Spirit of Truth of God the Father Jesus Christ guide us in true faith and in unity under the Supreme Shepherd who declared to his apostles: “Whoever listens to you listens to me.  Whoever rejects you rejects me.  And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me” (Luke 10:16).

Father John Bosco Hoang Van Chinh Dominic Nguyen Van Manh

                Chancellor   Bishop of Da Lat Diocese

2.  Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen was suspended from his position as parish priest.


9, Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ward1, Da Lat, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Phone: 84.263.3622415 – Email: [email protected]

Number: 03 / SLHC – GPDL2020


Dear: Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen,

Diocese of Da Lat.

In the Name of God. Amen.

Dear Father Dominic,

After a long process of gathering the necessary information along with authentic evidences, step by step exchanging and giving opportunities for explanations, I now decide to issue this Ordinance in accordance with the provisions of the Catholic Church as following:


– The serious errors in revelation and doctrine of faith, as well as the increasingly serious disobedience of the Bao Loc Exorcist Group, in which you have admitted that you gave birth to the group.

– The errors and disobedience endanger the faith and unity of the community of God’s people through all the developments since the announcement of the Da Lat Bishop’s Palace on the prohibition of exorcism on April 7, 2018, to the Announcement of the Bao Loc Exorcist Group on June 6, 2022. The Orientation Letter was sent to father on September 1, 2020. The Decree of Suspension from the Position of a Parish Priest on was September 8, 2020. The open letter called for prayer for unity in the same faith dated November 12, 2020.

– Considering the event on October 30, 2020, you left Chau Son Monastery on your own, the place you were assigned and chosen by yourself to live in, to go to the house that your group called “the House of God the Father.” You openly declared your decision definitively to obey the Will of God the Father through Mrs. Thuong and to refuse to heed the local ordinary.

– Considering that you declared from now on, you will heal and exorcise demons without having to ask the bishop for permission, and considered it as a special grace that was given to you by God, not belonging to your holy priesthood. 

– Considering that there was no sign of conversion after being repeatedly reminded, even warned, especially the group constantly uploaded video clips called “The Voice of the Truth” to critique, criticize, and showed disobedience to the local ordinary.

– Considering by doing so, you have removed yourself from the ecclesiastical communion with the diocesan presbyterium headed by the bishop to whom you have promised to obey since the time you were ordained as a priest.


– Pursuant to the notice of the Bishop of Da Lat on “Bao Loc Exorcist Group” and the letter attached to the notice of the same title dated June 6, 2020;

– Pursuant to the Orientation Letter on September 1, 2020, and the Decree of Suspension from the Position of Parish Priest on September 8, 2020, in which analized the mistakes made by “The Group of Exorcist of Bao Loc,” of which the main mistake was Mrs. Thuong self-claiming to be the one who directly inquires and conveys the word of God the Father to everyone in the group, including you, led to many other fundamental mistakes (relating to revelation, the doctrine of the faith, angelic pregnancy, exorcism, interpreting the Bible, self claiming to be a private revelation…), and increasingly obstinate in disobeying the local ordinany.

– Pursuant to the two letters you sent to the diocesan bishop and the Advisory Board, dated October 24, 2020, and October 29, 2020, in which you declared definitively to obey God the Father’s Will through Mrs. Thuong, not to the local ordinary: 

– Under Canon Law articles 1341-1349 relating to the application of penalties.

– Pursuant to the Canon Law, which prescribes appropriate punishment for those who use social media to incite opposition to the Church (canon 1369), disobey a lawful order or prohibition of the local ordinary or the superiors. (Article 1371.2 °), violating the obligations imposed upon oneself as punishment (Article 1393);

– Pursuant to the Canon Law, which prescribes a ban or other appropriate punishment for someone who openly incites members of the group to oppose any act of ecclesiastical authority or to incite disobedience (Canon 1373);

– Pursuant to your petition on these dates (December 3rd and 4th, 2020) contacted by phone you wanted to be “suspended from a priesthood” so that you could register for temporary residence at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Quang-Thuong to work in helping patients. 


-The undersigned is Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of the Diocese of Da Lat.  In recognition of the responsibility for the pastoral care of the diocese, and at the same time, both in compliance with the provisions of the code of the Canon Law, and also after long thought, prayers, and consideration for the good of God’s people and the world, for you, as well as consulting the Advisory Board on October 30, 2020, now through this letter,


Applying the decree of supension of priestly ministry to you (Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen) as outlined in the Canon Law 1333§ 1.

– It means forbidden:

* Not allowed to celebrate Masses and any other liturgical rites as a minister. If violated, you must be discharged

* Not allowed to celebrate Sacraments or sacramentals.

The litigant is forgiven only if you have renounced your obstinacy in accordance with the Canon Law 1347§2 (cf. dd 1358§1), including meeting with the local ordinary, expressing sincere remorse for the crime committed, and properly repairing damages and bad examples, or at least seriously promising to do so.

– You have been informed that if you appeal against this decree, you must appeal to the diocesan bishop or to the Holy See within ten useful days of your receipt of this letter of decree.

Surely this is painful that no one wants, it is the only force to resort to when there is no other way and for very serious reasons related to the good of God’s people, such as to protect the faith of the faithful in the face of threats distortions that cause confusion and protect the unity of the faithful in the face of scandals of disobedience, especially in exorcisms which can cause serious division. 

May God the Father of Jesus Christ, who built the church on the foundation of the apostles and declared: “Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.” (Lk 10,16), bestow upon you the Spirit of Truth so that you soon realize the priceless gift God has given to the holy priesthood,  and for the Church the gift of “unity and peace according to the Will of God.”

Da Lat Bishop’s Palace, December 5, 2020

Father John Bosco Hoang Van Chinh                    + Dominic Nguyen Van Manh

      Chancellor     Bishop of Da Lat Diocese

3.  Order to apply for a restraining order against Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong.

Bishop Palace of Da Lat

9, Nguyen Thai Học St, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam 

Phone: 84.263.3822415- email: [email protected]

Number: 02/MLCC- GPDL 2020

Da Lat, Octorber 7, 2020




To: Clergies, religious men and women, and the faithful in the diocese.

Dear people of God,

The office of the Bishop’s Palace of Da Lat informed the community of the people of God in the diocese.  The decision of the bishop of the diocese on the case of Mrs. Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong in the whole development of the situation is as follows:


To: Mrs. Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong

Bao Loc Parish, Da Lat Diocese.

In the name of the Lord, Amen.

I, the undersigned, am Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Da Lat Diocese.  With a sense of my responsibility in the pastoral care of the diocese and at the same time based on the provisions of the Code of Canon Law, after collecting enough necessary information and authentic evidences, exchanging step by step, and creating opportunities for the interdicted person to be presented.  Along with careful thought, prayers, consulted with the board of advisors on August 25, 2020, and the wise, now through this letter.


Applying the restraining order on Mrs. Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong

as specified in Canon Law 1332

It means the interdicted person will be prohibited:

Not allowed to attend Mass and any other liturgical ceremonies in any form as a minister (for example, liturgical reading, being a cantor during Mass…).  If there is any violation, the exclusion will be applied.  

Not permitted to celebrate the sacraments or sacramentals and not allowed to receive the sacraments(like confession, receiving communion…).

These prohibitions shall be released only when the person has renounced his/her obstinacy in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law 1347 §2.  (s.  n.  1358 §1).  An offender who has truly repented of the delict and has also made suitable reparation for damages and scandal or at least has seriously promised to do so must be considered to have withdrawn from contumacy.


Surely everyone has known: Since the announcement dated June 6, 2020 issued by the bishop’s palace about “the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc” and the letters of the same date sent to Father Dominic and Mrs. Thuong, there have been successively appearing online of the video clips made by the group spontaneously called “The Voice of the Truth,” as such “seasonal campaigns”, not only to justify their wrong doings, yet increased criticism even of the Mother Church and attacked the local ordinary.  Through the above clips, the group has proven more and more deeply immersed in the errors of the doctrine of the faith as shown in the announcement stated on June 6, 2020 and has shown even more clearly the attitude of disobedience to the local ordinary.

It can be summarized the mistakes of the “The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc” as follows:

1. Major mistake: Mrs. Thuong self-claiming to be “the Words of God the Father,” despite being rejected by the authority of the Church for various reasons.

2. In regard to the content of “the Words of God the Father,” there were things that are not true of the doctrine of faith or untrue because they did not happen, or are ambiguous or self-proclaimed (paranoid), leading to disobedience to the authority of the church, causing confusion to the faith of the faithful.

3. The ambiguity in the doctrine of the faith, without distinguishing between major and minor: She mentioned that Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen pleased God.  He was chosen by God the Father to be the prophet of the New Era, just like: “He and I were chosen by God the Father, which no one else in this country was chosen.  This is the gift that God the Father gives to humanity at the end of times.” Therefore, in all of her video clips, she has almost forgotten and rarely mentioned the role and position of Jesus Christ. The only Savior and final of all mankind (x Heb 1,1)

In video clip 93, part one, at the tenth minute also says: “If Jesus is the final revelation, there is no other revelation but Jesus, then why is God still also revealed through Sister Faustina…  and then Our Lady appeared to the three children Lucia, Francis, and Jacinta.  Then St.  Pio with the stigmata, and many more.  My thought is that each time God blesses according to the need of a certain period.  When asking for the Will of God, he said: “My beloved child, I want you to tell everyone that I am still active until the end of the world”…  It is obvious that mistakes pile up on mistakes…

4. Sinking deep into the misunderstanding of the doctrine of the faith especially the mystery of the Holy Trinity (Mrs. Thuong’s words: “My beloved child, God the Father is also God the Son, and also God the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity is also one”), to such an extent that the orientation letter on September 29, 2020 to Mrs. Thuong had to be summarized: “Due to not being able to distinguish between “person” and “nature”, she gets confused without knowing she gets confused, and she does not know how get out of that confusion.”

5. The confusion regarding the “angelic pregnancy”

When Father Dominic Truyen was asked how to explain of the marriage teaching in the Catholic Church that children should be the fruit of conjugal love, how is it being pregnant without a husband through the laying on of hands? Fr.  Dominic repeatedly many times: I don’t know, I can’t explain.  I’m not talking about how it goes against the matrimonial teaching of the Catholic Church about children.  I just know and affirm that what I did, and now it came to be…  If necessary, I invite them to testify and show the leaping fetus…  

6. All the sick cases coming to Mrs. Thuong’s house are considered to be caused by the demons, and all are dealt with by exorcism without distinction, completely contrary to the guidance of the Catechism of the Catholic Church No.  1673.

7. Liking to post on the internet, as an advertisement, to attract people…  with a type of campaign, known as “seasonal campaign.” Not seeing a sense of serene and trusting to God’ Will yet proving impatience, campaign, taking advantage.

8. Without permission and “schemed” in interpretation of the Bible.

Seemingly not knowing the criterion which are very clear in the Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasized:

* No.  85: “The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God…  has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the Church alone.  Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ.  This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.”

No.  95: “In the supremely wise arrangement of God, Sacred Traditions, Sacred Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church are so connected and associated that one of them cannot stand without the others.”

* No.  119 concludes: “all that has been said about the manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgment of the Church”, therefore, “There is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation” (2Peter 1, 20).  And CCC quotes of Saint Augustine: “I would not believe in the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so.”

Mrs. Thuong, on the contrary, has self-interpreted and applied the Word of the Bible in a very arbitrary and “schemed” way with a simple, subjective formula: “My beloved child…” 

* Specifically: When noting her of the Bible of Matthew 7:22-23: “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.” She replied: “My beloved child, this passage of Scripture does not apply to you and to others…  This passage of the Gospel applied to those who impersonate me for their own gain or to glorify themselves…” (See video clip No.  4).

* Regarding another verse, Lk 10:16: “”Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.” She replied: “My beloved child, please tell the bishop, he has not lived like the apostles in the past, then this verse does not apply to you…”.

9.  Stubbornly criticizes the Church for not understanding the Bible.

Mrs. Thuong wrote: “The Book of Revelation records an event that until today the Church has not known, that is we are living in the New Era.  In the New Era, God let all the demons out of hell.  Revelation 20:7 “When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison” (Text message March 12, 2019).

“My beloved child: what the Church has not known that I have use you… that is in the New Era, demons are free to enter and leave people, free to tempt them” … The interviewer himself also recognized the problem that should be adjusted: In my opinion, it is not that the Church does not know, but the Lord clearly affirms it so that we can firmly believe it, but the Church still recognizes it.

10.  Self-proclaim “private revelation”

11.  Disobedience to authority of the Church

a.  The local ordinary has met many times: Instead of obeying the truth, she and her group repeatedly requested have to go to “the House of God the Father” to investigate and verify.  Deliberately ignoring the local ordinary has met Mr. & Mrs. Quang-Thuong directly on March 25, 2019, and June 10, 2019, at Bao Loc Parish.  In addition, the investigation team of diocesan directly worked with her big group at the hall of Bao Loc Parish on May 22, 2020…During those times, most of the time was her and her group speaking.  

b..It was her group that “advertised” to expose: Moreover, the things that needed to beinvestigated and verified in her are very often founded on false statements compared to the teaching of the Catholic Church (cf.  Canon 1330), confused acts which she has clearly revealed through written work, letters, messages, and video clips that are obvious online.  No need to be at “the House of God the Father” to see or hear…

c.  The records are not “medical” as requested: At the meeting on March 25, 2019, the bishop’s palace asked her to present medical records with doctor’s certificate, eventually received hundreds of records, but all of them were not “medical” records, that had been certified as cured by hospital doctors.  They were pages of self-narrative, autobiographical pages, almost the same in format: your name, age, hometown, and residence, before going to Mrs. Thuong was sick with this and that; after returning home was healed.  All of them did not have a certificate from the hospital doctors (only 4 cases had a prescription and that was all), impossible to have a foundation for an objective review and certification…

12.  It is self-contradictory within the group.

– Father Dominic showed more and more conviction in the revelations of God the Father has revealed to Mrs. Thuong.  But he insisted those revelations are limited to moral instructions such as fasting, prayer, sacrifice, and charity…  (These things are not contrary to the Gospel, and the followers of Buddhism, Islam, Judaism…  also practice the same).  While there are actually many things Mrs. Thuong affirmed regarding to the teaching of the Catholic Church about “revelation” (for example, the quote above: “God the Father is in me, and God the Father is in my dad.  My dad and I were chosen by God the Father, whereas no one else in this country was chosen; therefore, he can lay on of hands to give people the blessing of peace.  This is the gift that God the Father gives to humanity at the end of times” …), to the doctrine of faith (examples related to God the Father “incarnate”, to the mystery of the Holy Trinity…) …

13.  There are inconsistencies

– Father Dominic strongly declared on May 31, 2020, that he would go to lay on of hands so that those in the group would no longer exorcise demons in the previous way but treat them with universal energy method, and he confirmed the very next day these people performed as said.

– Why when knowing there will be a decision of the group of exorcism, then there was a change of method? Why was the same Will of the God the Father telling us to do differently before and after? Is it from paranoid, lead to the point of not respecting God the Father, to manipulate him for one own will?

14.  Causing a serious scandal to the faithful in understanding the faith, living the faith, and being united in the faith.  This can be easily verified through the reactions of the community of God’s people on the internet and in reality…

These are the main reasons and contexts of involvement with the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc and led to the decision of the diocesan bishop as mentioned above.

May the Spirit of Truth of God the Father Jesus Christ guide us in true faith and in unity under the Supreme Shepherd who declared to his apostles: “Whoever listens to you listens to me.  Whoever rejects you rejects me.  And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me” (Luke 10:16).

4. Decision of Bishop Manh on Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen  March 23, 2022.

Bishop Palace of Da Lat

9, Nguyen Thai Học St, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam 

Phone: 84.263.3822415- email: [email protected]

To: Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen.

Dear Father Dominic,

During these days, you and the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc appeared in many dioceses, from north to south, even in hot spots such as during the ceremony of presenting the Pallium to Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Nang at Saigon Cathedral on February 19, 2022.  Beyond the fact of “ancient demonic possession, rolling, screaming” requesting the superior to perform the exorcists as a kind of challenge and self-justification, like “My beloved child” in the context of the Synodical Church, self-boasting of “many things God the Father revealed to the Group that the bishops did not know…”-About the work of the group, wherever they go, they videoed themselves and posted them online according to their intentions, causing more and more disturbance in terms of public security in many localities, cause stumbling and division, to a greater degree of recalcitrant and bound to a greater extent.

In the past, you have made a written and signed commitment, not to contact Mrs. Thuong, not to cure diseases, nor exorcise demon, and then you violated, despite of the warning from your local ordinary superior.

Previously, you were directed to the designated place at Chau Son Don Duong Monastery to reflect and pray, but then you still disobeyed, withdraw from the assigned place by your own.

Faced with the new situation with violations causing serious consequences as mentioned above, after consulting with the Advisory Board, now with this letter I earnestly ask you:

– Immediately leave the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc, no longer contact Mrs. Thuong (whom self-claims to be a secretary, stubbornly transmits the voice of God the Father, and is the main cause of mistakes), neither healing nor exorcism demons as you yourself promised before.

– Return and stay at Chau Son Monastery, Don Duong as you requested and stayed from September to October 2020, to reflect, to pray, and to correct yourself.  Deadline before April 1, 2022;

– If you refuse to comply and want the freedom to live and act according to your own will, you yourself can apply for a clerical suspension(laicization) and the Diocese will help you complete the process to fulfill your wish.

– If not, the diocese will have to apply additional canonical measures, not excluding the “clerical suspension.”

May God, the benevolent and most merciful Father, grant you the grace of enlightenment and discernment of the Holy Spirit so that you can make decisions that are pleasing to God, for the benefit of the Church and for those whose out of love are always in communion with prayer for you.

Prepared at the Bishop’s Palace of Da Lat, March 23, 2022

Father John Bosco Hoang Van Chinh. Dominic Nguyen Van Manh

    Chancellor Bishop of Da Lat Diocese 

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